Indian Springs Park Improvements

Clark County in Nevada is interested in improving the current Indian Springs Park. The small park is home to a basketball court and baseball field, among other amenities such as a playground. The improvements consist of expanding these amenities in an attempt to grow the park's visitors and provide residents with more than what is already offered. 

Some of these improvements include constructing an 8' wide trail with a concrete curb on each side, complete with lighting and pathways, and a new nature themed playground area with natural building materials and nature themed climb-on structures and animals. This playground should also include swings, wall climbing, benches, and installation of a shade shelter with new picnic tables and a barbecue. These are some of the improvements desired, but you should already be able to tell that there is some serious thought and work put into these park improvements. 

Upgrades to this park will provide visitors with a safe, accessible place for families and friends to gather and engage in a number of recreational activities. Whether it be playing some basketball or walking the newly furnished trail, there is no shortage of options to explore in the grand outdoors, and the added benefit of being right in the community makes this even more exciting. In addition, this park can become even more of a community center, especially with the added pavilion. Hosting family barbecues or simply going to Indian Springs Park for a picnic are all new and thrilling possibilities with these new inclusions. 

Regardless on the why, these improvements are for families and the kids. Anything that gets them outside and active should be done, and despite the extensive upgrades within the proposal, the joy it can bring to the children for years to come is insurmountable. If interested in this opportunity, click here for more information. The bid closes October 29, 2024 at 2:15 PM PT.